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Mid Season Apples
Mid/Late Season Apples
Cooking Apples
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Cooking Apples

Cooking Apples

The varieties are listed below, in alphabetical order.

Brabant Bellefleur (Late season)
The fruit of this late season cooker is large in size, flushed and striped. The taste is crisp and aromatic.  This apple originated in Flanders in the late 1700s and was widely grown on the Continent in C19. When cooked it keeps its shape. It is a good keeper and will have a rich flavour come June/July.

Bramley (Mid season)
This famous English cooking apple is medium to large with either a green or red striped skin.  It cooks to a creamy fluff and has a tangy lemon flavour, with high vitamin C content. Has a brisk acidity and is a good keeper. The Bramley’s Seedling was raised by Mary Anne Brailsford in Southwell, Nottingham, England in 1809. Two pips were planted and as one grew it produced a crop of very impressive apples.  In 1857 the local butcher, Mr Matthew Bramley, acquired the rights and a local nurseryman took cuttings and began to propagate the variety. First commercial plantings were made in Kent in 1890.  

Calville Blanc d’Hiver (Late Season)
A medium to large apple with an irregular yellowish russeted skin. Mellows to an intense, rich sweet/sharp flavour. And may be eaten fresh. It is a truly historic European apple which dates back to the 1600s in Normandy and in Germany. When cooked it keeps its shape, yielding pretty yellow slices and a good taste. The cooked flesh is deep cream. Ideal for ‘tarte aux pommes’.

Dumelow’s Seedling (Late season)
The fruit is medium-large in size, with the colour being light green to pale yellow.  flushed, juicy, brisk, aromatic, good keeper.  This apple was raised in the late 1700s by a farmer named Richard Dummellerer in Leicestershire, England. A good apple for drying. Cooks to a strongly flavoured, pale cream puree – excellent for those who like a brisk acidity. Splendid when baked, with the flesh being smooth and juicy.

Edward VII (Mid season)
A mid season cooking apple, large in size. It is flat round in shape with colour being green/yellow. Originated in Worctershire in 1902, believed to be a cross between Blenheim Orange and the Golden Noble. Cooks to a well flavoured, translucent cream puree.

Golden Noble
Medium in size, the apple has a light green turning to gold appearance, sometimes with a slight flush. The flesh is firm  and acid with a lemony flavour. It was discovered in 1820 in a old orchard in Norfolk, UK. It is ideally suited for pie making. When baked it has a creamy texture, needing only a little sugar. A very good keeper.

Lord Nelson
This is a large fruit with a green skin with some flush stripes. It flesh is hard and brisk.  Lord Nelson is a large form of the `Kentish Fillibasket` but originated in Australia around 1900. Cook to a puree, retaining high flavour.

Lord Suffield (Early)
 Rated as one of the best early cooking apples. Raised in 1836 by Thomas Thorpe, a hand loom weaver, at Broadman Lane near Manchester where Lord Suffield had an estate. It is large in size. Skin is pale green turning to pale yellow. The flesh is tender and juicy cooking to a sharp white froth.

Striped Beefing
This is a large, handsome apple with a striped dark red skin. It is crisp and tart, with some briskness. It cooks to a cream puree. This apple was found in 1794 in the garden of a William Crowe in Norwich, UK. Originally, select large cookers were baked and sold in street markets as ‘Beaufins’ (ultimate beauties). As a baked apple, it is said to be unrivalled. It is a good keeper.

Note: Some images used on this site courtesy of Woodbridge Fruit Trees